Sunday, September 03, 2006


It has been a few days since my (first) last post, way too much time spent working to have time to post a blog I guess.

Here are some thoughts that I have been pondering lately:

1) I appreciate genuine people, but seem to deal with many people that do nothing more than position agendas for their own good.
example of genuine: How many people do you meet a day that ask "how's it going?" and really mean it, are truly interested in knowing how your life has been going and care to listen?
example of other: When they ask "how's it going?" they don't really want to know the answer, it is just a way to open a conversation, to get to the points they wish to address.

2) What changes could I make to my life that would enhance:
  • My Atomic or Nuclear family lives or interactions
  • Others less fortunate
  • Global Warming or other Eco-concerns
  • My health and well being (so I could do more of the above)
That is it for today..