Friday, September 08, 2006

Patience is a virtue

As Bruce Lee was alleged to have said "Patience my ass, I'm gonna kill something", well it may not have been Bruce Lee that said it ... but that is definately how I feel some days.

Have you ever had a day when it seems that everyone elses mind is working far slower than yours?
I guess sometimes we all get caught up in the things that we do on a daily basis and expect that others should have this knowledge too.
Things are always working so fast at work, that I just don't seem to have the patience in guiding folks along.. sometimes it seems as if I get things done 100 times faster if I just do it myself instead of teaching someone else.

Interestingly enough, according to Wikipedia the four classic virtues are:
  • Temperance
  • Prudence
  • Justice
  • Courage

Since patience isn't listed there.. I guess I am ok.. :-), well at least in the classical sense.

ok, move along.. nothing to see here..